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Judith Angelika Bernsson

13 JUN 1879(Mellbyn, Rölanda, Västra Götaland, Sverige)
01 APR 1897 (Göteborgs Oscar Fredrik, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige)
72 years, 9 months, 0 days
b.15 OCT 1851
d.01 JUL 1935
b.14 JUL 1853
d.18 APR 1932
b.02 JUN 1877
d.15 AUG 1941
b.16 MAY 1881
d.28 MAY 1941
b.13 JUN 1883
d.15 AUG 1960
b.03 SEP 1885
d.03 SEP 1885
b.14 DEC 1887
d.08 MAR 1953
3 brothers and 2 sisters
The person has no known relationships and children.


This section tells stories about the person.

Tell your memory of the person

Below you can write down the stories you have about the person, what you have heard and/or what you have read about her. This could be anything: upbringing, relationships, happy and unhappy events, personality, moves, etc. The aim is to get to know the person.

Ditt namn
Your email address
The address of your website (if you have one)
What do you want to tell us about the person?
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There are no historical accounts of the person


This section allows you to read what others remember about the person.

Tell your memory of the person

Everything you enter in the form below will be stored encrypted in the database. Keep in mind that what you publish is displayed on the website for the public, which is the main purpose. You should be able to share what the person was like (mood, personality, etc.) for others to read

Please note! Do not write private things about the person! Respect the deceased and highlight things that may be significant to others. I reserve the right to delete or change memories containing private information at any time.

Would you rather record a memory?

Contact me via the link in the footer. If you are in Sweden, please provide the phone number where I can reach you. Otherwise, record your memory via, for example, an app on your phone. However, if we are talking on the phone, I will record the conversation from when you answer until we hang up.

Either way, I will crop the audio file so that only your memory is heard, and then publish the material here without asking your permission first.

Ditt namn
Your email address
The address of your website (if you have one)
Your relationship with the person
What is your memory of the person?
To display the CAPTCHA's, you must accept that a cookie is stored in your device. You can remove the cookie at any time, which will otherwise be automatically removed once you have answered the maths question correctly. Approve
No one has written any memories of the person