The gallery and its functions are not yet fully developed. Errors may occur.

Frequently asked questions

Below you can see the most frequently asked questions and my answers to them.

How do I make myself public?

Go to your profile on this website, select "Make public" and follow the instructions. I will then review what you have entered and if the information matches what I have in the family tree, your profile will become public.

Is your family tree on any other website?

Yes. The family tree is available on Ancestry and MyHeritage, but they are not updated. On Ancestry the family tree contains less than 5,000 people, and on MyHeritage close to 5,400 people. They are there to make it easier for me to find, for example, pictures of relatives.

The family trees on the said websites will remain unupdated as I am focusing on keeping this website ( updated.

I am related to you and want to contact you. How do I do that?

How fun! :) You can find my email address on the "Contact me" page, the link to which can be found in the footer. There is also a form that you can use to contact me.

What phone number can I reach you on?

If you have a Swedish phone number, contact me by email and tell me why you want my number.

If you do not have a Swedish phone number, you can call me via XMPP or Telegram (XMPP is preferred).

You can find all the information you need to contact me in the "Contact me" section in the footer.

How do I log in?

At the moment the login is only for me, but once I have improved that system, those in my family tree who have their profile public will be able to log in.

Can I download the GEDCOM file for your family tree?

No, not at the moment, but it is on the planning table.

How do I report an error or something that is offensive or similar?

You report errors, offensive content and the like, via the "Contact me" page. You can find the link in the footer.

Errors can be anything from a problem with the website (such as an error message) to an incorrect entry for a person in the family tree

Offensive and similar content could be that someone has published a story, a memory, or a guestbook entry that does not follow the few rules that exist.

Is the source code of the webpage open to everyone?

Currently, the source code for E.P.S.K. is not open to everyone. This is because I want the website to be more complete before the source code is released. When this happens, you will find the direct link to it in the footer.

Is the website GDPR-friendly?

Yes. As a regular visitor, you can contact me if you want to delete something you have posted on the website (for example, a guestbook entry). As a logged-in visitor (in short, a user), you have considerably more privacy settings.

What is a haplogroup?

A haplogroup is a group that you inherit from your parents. Men inherit two haplogroups; one from their mother (mitochondrial DNA) and one from their father (Y-DNA), while women inherit only one (mitochondrial DNA).

Using your haplogroup, you can go back thousands of years on either your father's side or your mother's side.

I am not getting a login link. Why?

If you use a Gmail address, you have the answer there. Google requires extra security at the DNS level and we've added what they want us to add, but it still doesn't work. We will try to fix the problem, but we can't promise anything.

If you have another email address that Google doesn't handle, use that instead. Just remember that you must have that email address linked to your account. If it's not, contact me and I'll change it for you. Please tell me what email address you made your profile public with, and what email address you want to change it to.

When and if we get the problem fixed, this question and answer will not exist here.

What does the calendar icon on a profile mean?

If you click or tap on the calendar icon (depending on the device you are using), the webpage will provide you with an ICS file. The file allows you to add the person's birthday to your own calendar. This way, you can easily remember when the person's birthday was.