The gallery and its functions are not yet fully developed. Errors may occur.

Privacy Policy

E.P.S.K. uses Plausible, but does not store anything that can be linked to you. Plausible is installed on the same server as E.P.S.K., and everything that is stored can be seen on Apart from this, we do not store anything about your visit, nor do we track you. Why should we?

If you have any questions about, for example, how we store your data, please do not hesitate to contact us. Click on "Contact me" in the footer for more information.


If you are logged out to use one of our forms, you must first solve a maths problem before you can submit what you have written in the text fields. This is our CAPTCHA and hopefully it will stop robots from sending you a bunch of rubbish.

The reason why a cookie is stored as soon as you accept the storage, is that the correct answer has to be stored somewhere. We felt that this was the best solution. This may change in the future.

You can remove the cookie at any time after you have accepted the storage, but the website automatically removes the cookie after you have solved the number.

Logged-in visitors do not need to complete a CAPTCHA.

Session cookies

If you choose to log in, a session cookie will be saved on your device. The session cookie is necessary to keep you logged in. It is automatically deleted after a certain time, or when you choose to log out again. You can also remove the session cookie by clearing the cookies in your browser settings.

Sharing your data

We do not share or sell your data to any company and will never do so.