The gallery is not yet fully developed. Errors may occur.


Total number of people
5 954 (100%)
Total number of people with no birthplace
1 155 (19%)
Total number of images
238 (4%)


Total number of males
3 083 (52%)
Total number of females
2 867 (48%)
Total number of people of unknown gender
4 (0%)


Total number of people alive
890 (15%)
Total number of deceased people
5 064 (85%)


Total number of people with a date of birth
5 577 (94%)
Total number of persons with a complete date of birth
4 434 (74%)
Total number of people with a birth proof
96 (2%)
Total number of people with no date of birth
377 (6%)
Total number of people with a date of baptism
544 (9%)
Total number of people with a complete date of baptism
542 (9%)
Total number of people with a baptism proof
89 (1%)
Total number of people with no date of baptism
5 410 (91%)
Total number of people with a date of death
3 602 (60%)
Total number of people with a complete date of death
2 921 (49%)
Total number of people with a death proof
41 (1%)
Total number of people with no date of death
2 352 (40%)
Total number of people with a burial date
236 (4%)
Total number of people with a complete burial date
226 (4%)
Total number of people with a burial proof
39 (1%)
Total number of people with no burial date
5 718 (96%)


Total number of people born in Sweden
4 399 (74%)
Total number of people born in Norway
24 (0%)
Total number of people born in Finland
14 (0%)
Total number of people born in the United States
285 (5%)
Total number of people born in another country
77 (1%)

Counties in Sweden

Total number of people born in Dalarna
404 (7%)
Total number of people born in Värmland
2 245 (38%)
Total number of people born in Västra Götaland
909 (15%)
Total number of people born in Skåne
219 (4%)
Total number of people born in other counties
622 (10%)

States in the USA

Total number of people born in Minnesota
145 (2%)
Total number of people born in Wisconsin
10 (0%)
Total number of people born in Michigan
11 (0%)
Total number of people born in Massachusetts
22 (0%)
Total number of people born in other states
98 (2%)
Updated 2024-04-18, 23:31